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What We Do Houston, TX

What We Do

Ultra-Short Radius Drilling Services

Our highly skilled USR drilling teams possess the expertise to drill Radii of 27-100’ and Build Up Rates of 212˚ to 57˚ degrees per 100 feet. Lateral departures are usually dictated by the Radius of Curvature and are typically equivalent to a reach to radius ratio of 20 to 1. Our USR equipment package consists of specialized drill pipe, proprietary drilling assemblies, miniaturized electronic surveying instruments, and milling and fishing tools.

While we provide all classifications of directional drilling, emphasis is placed on Ultra Short Radius (USR) and Short Radius (SR) applications. We focus on the market segment that requires a well profile with radius of curvature from Ultra Short to Short (27’ to 100’) and a slim hole (3 7/8” to 4 1/2”). USR Drilling’s proprietary technologies consist of USR Rotary Steerable Tools, USR Mud Motors and USR Triaxial Survey tools.

Multi-Lateral Re-Entry Services

MLRS is a service that is provided to re-enter wells that have been completed with multi-laterals or fishbones. Often, laterals require stimulation or water shut-off. Our system locates the junction or window, is oriented to the desired direction, and then lowered to exit the motherbore and enter the target leg. Surveys are taken to confirm exit.

Project Planning and Management Services

Our teams of Drilling and Project Engineers have supported drilling operations in the US, Europe, Asian Sub-Continent, SE Asia, Middle East and West Africa. Our services include well design, programming and well site supervision. From sourcing personnel to completion design, we provide unmatched expertise and support.

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