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About Us Houston, TX

About Us

USR Drilling is the recognized industry leader in the drilling and completion of USR wells. We provide innovative solutions to increase production from marginally producing or shut in wells.

Our core competencies are USR and SR Drilling and Completion, Multi-Lateral Re-entry, Project Management, Drill Site Supervision and Well Programming and Design. We employ highly experienced drilling personnel that constantly strive to improve techniques and develop new technologies.

Combining our management and engineering expertise, along with a focus on developing advanced technologies and equipment, we have earned our reputation as the world’s foremost experts in USR drilling concepts and services.


We work closely with our clients and partners to increase production and profitability.

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USR Historical Milestones

2019 – 2020
Currently operating 4 rigs in PetroChina’s Daqing Field. As of November 2020, more than 70 wells have been drilled since June 2019. Expanding to 8 rigs before end of 2020.

2016 – 2019
  • Completed 8 wells in Illinois and Texas for PETCO Petroleum, Carbon Field Energy and Winchester Energy
  • Developed more robust USR Motors and Steering Tools

2014 – 2015
Entered into a Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprises to provide USR Services. Seven wells were completed.

2013 – 2016
Completed 20th well in Gabon and 8th well in Pakistan.

  • Completed 8th Well in W. Africa for Perenco Gabon in OBA, Olende and Niungo Fields
  • Drilled a World Record well with a Reach to Radius Ratio of 32:1 and Longest USR lateral length of 430 m (Gabon)
  • Began development of new generations of Titanium and Composite Drill Pipe

2010 – 2011
  • Drilled first two wells in Indonesia for Citic Seram. Drilled 2 wells for Pertamina Java EP
  • Drilled first USR well on African Continent for Perenco Gabon. Drilled 8th well for Oxy Oman, Safah Field

2009 – 2010
  • Completed 7 well campaign for Oxy Oman, Safah field
  • Drilled a World Record well with a Reach to Radius Ratio of 25:1

2007 – 2008
  • First USR well completed with articulated and rotatable sand screen “SnakeScreen™
  • Acquired TDP with two design improvements based on USRD field data input

Developed USR mud motors to reduce drill pipe RPMs and to steer in thin targets. Began running a hybrid string combining S-135 and one joint of Titanium Drill Pipe as non-mag.

2006 – 2007
Drilled USR wells in Turkey and India. Replaced Composite Drill Pipe with Titanium Drill Pipe.

2005 – 2006
Drilled in Rima field for PDO Oman. Built 30 ft ROC fixture to fatigue test drill pipe to be run in USR wells.

2004 – 2005
Drilled multi-lateral “fishbone” wells for PDO, Oman. Introduced USR to Indonesian Operators.

2001 – 2003
Completed five well trial successfully for PDO, Oman. USR chosen as one of Five Mature Technologies for worldwide deployment by Shell’s Global Implementation Team (GIT).

1994 – 2001

Drilled 170 USR wells in various fields in the United States with a number of milestones:

  • 2000 – First ever horizontal well drilled with air hammer
  • 1999 – First ever well drilled with Titanium Drill Pipe
  • 1995 – First USR well drilled Under Balanced using USRS’s low cost RSS tools

1990 – 1994
Drilled more than 200 Ultra Short Radius (USR) test wells at Amoco’s Catoosa Drilling Research Center.

Rotary Steerable System (RSS) developed by Amoco.

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